
Blogrimage Day One

Dhaves! I met David Haven while in the kids church under the leadership of Marshall Mark. Kids church at the time was inspired by monthly VHS series "Gospel Bill". I think much of our early friendship had some sort of involvement in pretending we were or watching Gospel Bill. I am very grateful that was not the extent of our friendship. We both love music, making and listening to it. This is a huge part of our friendship. In fact after this coffee he burned me some cds (I know I'm old school). David is currently at ORU and studying Worship Leadership. He is a freakin' hard worker and is gonna do amazing things!

1 comment:

Amy Ellison said...

Oh man. i havent seen gospel bill in years... he's quite peppy isn't he? Kinda reminds me of the 'go fish' DVD Grace had...

and... how come your blog only lets me comment under my blogspot ID?