
Blogrimage 2011 Introduction

These things I enjoy:

And I find that for this time in my life, with all the changes and inconsistencies, the few constants are worth investing. I am not saying that this is some investment strategy, but my life can get busy and I forget that I am to be with people. Rubbing shoulders, sharing dreams, laughing loud, swapping stories, venting frustrations, relieving sorrows, praying prayers, having coffee. So I introduce my Blogrimage for this year:

30 Cups of Coffee: Building His Church, one cup at a time.

Over the next 30 days I am challenging myself to share life with 30 different people, with the end goal of building faith, over a cup of coffee. Along with that I will share with those reading this, a picture of that cup of coffee and the friend I am sharing a bit of life with. Depending on time I would also like to share a bit of the nature of the conversation, and how I became friends with that person. I am really pumped about this, and know that this could be quite difficult, but it is really worth slowing down once a day to connect with someone. So blog on! Let's grab some coffee.



Amy Ellison said...

I really love this idea.

The French said...

Lookin forward to it.

Jeremy Benson said...

I hope you'll also describe the cup of coffee in intimate detail.

Leapings said...

Josh! I threw that idea around in my head for so long, but realized it wouldn't work out for me. I am sooo glad that someone is doing that!!!! Also i agree with Jeremy describe the coffee!

Mr. Rafael said...

Would you be going to the same coffee shop every time? I know the point isn't the coffee... but you could try something different every day.

Joshua Bibeau said...

Good ideas ya'll! I'll have to brush up on my Starbucks vocab. There are lots of coffee shops too. I'll see what I can do.

Eric Alan Ordway said...

Such a great idea! Sounds like your going to have an incredible journey in the next 30 days!